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Weight: 90 lb. 185 g/m2
Surface: Hot pressed (smooth)
Media Applications:Watercolor, Gouache, Inking, Inkjet, Intaglio, Letterpress, Offset, Pastel & Charcoal, and Silkscreen
Features:100% cotton, 4-sided deckle, acid-free, neutral pH, and chlorine free. 22 x30 sheet size.
This 100% cotton paper is made the traditional way on a cylinder mould, giving the paper a harmonious natural grain. This process lets the fibers distribute evenly and therefore slackens uniformly when wet.
Arches is the only paper mill in the world to use a two-step, gelatin sizing process that guarantees it reaches the paper s core. It is first sized on the machine and then taken off for an extra layer applied via size bath. This preserves the lustre and transparency of the colors while preventing paints from penetrating the paper. This also makes the paper extremely workable. One can repeatedly rub-out, wash-out and re-work an area without fear of the paper s surface-fiber lifting or pilling. Because of its great internal strength the paper can be soaked and stretched as desired.
Printmakerswho desire to use this paper for etching/intaglio please note: the extra-sizing process usually requires soaking overnight or possibly longer to prepare and soften the surface. First and foremost this paper was created with watercolor and all wet media applications in mind.